Drosera binata

Dam Road, Shannon, New Zealand


Drosera binata is a very common species in cultivation. It can often be found as a hitchhiker in collections because the seeds spread very easily.

Etymology: Drosera from Greek droseros ‘dewy’1. Binata means 'having pairs', referring to the forked leaves.2

This form of Drosera binata originates from Dam Road, Shannon, Australia. It is practically no different than other T-form binata from Australia.


The flowers of Drosera binata are white and the flower stalk contains no hairs or glands. The stalk splits into multiple points, from 2 to 3 individual flower clusters. These different forks can flower at the same time.

The flowers are about 2 cm (0.8 inches) in diameter and have 5 petals. There are also 5 stamens that each contain 2 anthers. There are about 25 styles, with each having a stigma that's either split fully or is shaped like a fan.


Drosera binata seeds are really different from other sundews. They have a dark middle, which contains the actual endosperm and embryo. At both ends, the seed coat is light in colour. These hollow tubes likely functions as 'wings' to catch in the wind. You can see this when seeds fall because they'll fall slowly and move in a certain direction. The seed coat is also slightly iridescent, which means it reflects certain colours, mainly green and purple. It's unknown what causes the iridescence or what the function is.


1. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/drosera

2. Salmon, B. (2001). Carnivorous Plants of New Zealand. Ecosphere Publications.